Friday, December 5, 2014

YSA Global Youth Council

I am so happy to be part of Youth Service America's Global Youth Council. Take a look at my blog post by entering here, and get to know the other members of this AMAZING group, by entering the link above. They're incredible!

"To all those kids and teens out there that feel they’re too young or don’t have the tools to do something or solve that problem, let me tell you, all you need is a spark of passion and everything else will come by itself. Volunteering is a powerful tool to start building the reality that you and those around you deserve!"- Gerardo Mateo

YSA's ten Global Youth Council members from all over the world work to strengthen communities by providing ideas and substantial feedback to improve YSA's programs, developing resources through YSA to increase youth involvement in service, and acting as YSA ambassadors on an international scale.